Year 126 & onwards: planning for the future of the Commercial Court

London’s Commercial Court, in association with the London International Disputes Week, is pleased to present, 'Year 126 and onwards: planning for the future of London’s Commercial Court', a virtual seminar as part of the celebration of the Court’s 125th Anniversary.
The half day seminar, taking place on 7th September 2020, will be chaired by Lord Justice Flaux and is made up of different sessions covering the lessons learnt from the recent use of remote hearings, and developments in both the Disclosure Pilot and the approach to witness statements.
The itinerary for the seminar will run as follows:
14:00 - 14:10
Introductory remarks: Lord Justice Flaux
14:10 - 15:00
Virtual and Hybrid hearings – the lessons and legacies of the covid learning curve
Coda: The Covid Insurance Test case: the first Financial Markets Test Case
15:10 - 15:55
The Disclosure Pilot – Phase 2
16:05 - 16:45
What next for witness statements?
16:45 - 17:00
Concluding remarks and discussion on changes to the Court’s procedures
The sessions will include panel discussions from 15 speakers from many aspects of the legal industry including:
The Hon. Mr Justice Andrew Baker
Richard Blann, GC100 and Lloyds Banking Group
Chris Bushell, HSF and LSLA
The Hon. Mrs Justice Cockerill
Ed Crosse, Simmons & Simmons and LSLA
The Hon. Mr Justice Robin Knowles
Richard Little, Eversheds and CLF
Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC, Fountain Court Chambers
Professor Rachael Mulheron, Queen Mary University of London
Natalie Osafo, Stewarts and LSLA
Joe Smouha QC, Essex Court Chambers and COMBAR
Charlotte Tan, Brick Court Chambers and COMBAR
Sonia Tolaney QC, One Essex Court and Chair of COMBAR
Professor Jackie Vam-Haersolte Van Der Hof, LCIA
This year's seminar will be conducted as a virtual event due to the implications of Covid-19. Opus 2 will be delivering the fully online, live-streamed event. The event will be powered by the same technology and services that has been trusted by hundreds of law firms around the world to deliver their virtual dispute proceedings in the recent months.
Registration for the event is now open. The event is free to attend, and you can reserve your place here. Once registered, you will receive your personalised joining details with instructions for how to access the sessions closer to the time of the event.
You will need an internet-connected laptop, tablet or mobile device to join the event. You'll be able to submit questions to the panel live as well as join the conversation with other participants, ensuring the event remains interactive.
Register your place at Year 126 and onwards: planning for the future of London’s Commercial Court.

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