Greener Arbitration in 2020

We are excited to kick off this new year on a green note. We believe there is a huge opportunity to improve the environmental impact of how disputes proceedings are conducted, especially in international arbitration, through the adoption of technology and more awareness around climate change.
Recently, we attended the ICC’s Annual Arbitration and ADR Conference in London. During a panel entitled ‘The Green Arbitration’ chaired by Lucy Greenwood, the author of Pledge for Greener Arbitrations, we were given the opportunity to share how technology can help international arbitration become greener.
Here is the video we put together for the event highlighting what can be achieved through adopting technologies such as electronic bundles and remote hearing services from Opus 2. In addition to the clear green benefits, our solutions also improve the legal team’s efficiency, lower costs and reduce manual overheads - allowing the lawyers and the tribunal to focus on more substantive issues.
The Pledge for Greener Arbitrations outlines concrete steps arbitrators, individuals and firms can take to reduce the environmental impact of international arbitration. From considering the need for air travel, taking evidence through video-link and keeping hard copy bundles to a minimum, to every-day changes like monitoring the use of air conditioning in the hearing room.
Read more about the Pledge for Greener Arbitrations and how you and your firm can support it.
We’ll be sharing more about our initiatives to support during 2020, so watch this space.
Will your firm be adopting more green initiatives in 2020?

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